Constitutional Club Minute Book

Monday 18th February 1924

The Committee met in the Club on Monday Feb 18th at 7.15 pm.

All members were present.

The chief business was the fixing of a date for the opening ceremony, and was fixed for Friday Feb 29th.

The Chairman reported that no reply had been received from E R Turton esq MP to the invitation extended to him to perform the opening ceremony, and it was agreed to ask Mrs Shaw of Welburn Manor. Mr Wilson and Mr Wm Simpson promised to visit Mrs Shaw the next day to invite her. It was reported that the question of blinds for the windows was solved as Mr Twentyman had generously provided them. Mr Shepherd asked permission to order 1 doz new electric bulbs and this was granted. Mr Hood promised to bring some coke before the opening ceremony. It was agreed that Mr Arthur Smith's Orchestra should be engaged for the Dance on the 29th. It was decided that the rest of the arrangements for the opening ceremony in the hands of the ladies. The secretary was instructed to call a meeting of the ladies for the next evening Tuesday at 7 pm. The Secretary was also instructed to order 50 advertising bills and 100 tickets for the public tea, and to send a ticket to each gentleman or lady who had subscribed to the Club.

Mr Arthur West visited the meeting and promised to undertake the duties of Caretaker of the Club, on conditions that he lived rent free and was paid 2/6 on all special occasion such as Dances etc. He also agreed that he would give at least one months notice if he wished to terminate his agreement. The committee also agreed to allow him a month if they wished to dispense with his service.

This concluded the business.

Signed W.J.Wilson
Feb 27th 1924