Friday 8th February 1924
The Committee met at the Club on Friday evening Feb 8th at 7 pm. All members were present.
Mr Wilson (Chairman) said that it was very important that a Vice-Chairman should be appointed. All members agreed. Mr Hood proposed and Mr Bramley seconded that Mr Wm Simpson be appointed Vice-Chairman. The motion was unanimously carried.
Mr Wilson had carefully drawn up a set of rules for the Club, his reason for so doing, he explained, was, that a great deal of time would be saved at the meeting. After these rules had been carefully considered, and a few additions and amendments made, they were accepted.
The question of what time the Club should be open was next discussed. Mr Hood said that he thought the Club should be open all day, so that those who wished to, might go in and see the morning papers. The majority of members were against this suggestion, but after Mr Shepherd had said that he understood Mr Twentyman to say that it was his wish that the Club should be open all day, it was agreed that this should be, but no fires must be lit until late afternoon.
It was decided to have the Club open from 9 am to 9.30 pm excepting Saturdays when the hours would be 9 am to 10 pm.
It was agreed upon to take two morning papers, the "Yorkshire Herald" and the "Northern Echo".
The charges for the letting of the large Hall were next discussed. A charge of 10 shillings for local dances and 7/6 for local entertainments was decided upon. D Ward said that he thought outsiders who wished to take the Hall for Dances etc should pay more than the residents of the village, because in his opinion, he did not think it was fair that the other villages should bring their Dances and Concerts to Kirby Misperton for the purpose of raising funds for their Tennis Clubs etc. He thought each village should keep its entertainments to itself. He therefore proposed that a charge of £1-2-6 be made upon outsiders for all-night Dances etc and a charge of 17/6 be made for entertainments. Mr Hood said that he thought that this was a very selfish proposition, but upon the motion being put to the meeting it was decided that the above charges should be made. Seven members voted for and two against.
The question of a Women's Institute was discussed, and it was agreed to let the ladies have a room when they required one for this purpose. The secretary was instructed to notify all ladies that a meeting would be held on Wednesday evening Feb 13th at 6.30 pm, so that ladies could make all their own arrangements, and meet the men's committee at 7.30 pm, to explain to them what they had decided upon.
Mr Wilson said that the question of carting coals for the Club need not be entertained, as he would be only too pleased to bring a load free whenever he had an empty vehicle coming from Pickering. Mr Hood, Mr Simpson and Mr Bramley also promised to do what they could in this direction. Mr F Ward said that he thought this was a very generous offer on the part of these gentlemen, and all members agreed.
Mr Wilson said that they could not, as yet, say when they would be able to hold the opening ceremony but it was decided that there should be a public tea in the afternoon, a social evening say from 7 pm to 10 pm and a Dance from 10 pm to 2 am.
The meeting closed at 9.30 pm.
Feb 13th 1924
Chairman of Committee
Omitted from minutes of meeting on Feb. 8th 1924
Mr Crome proposed that boys between the ages of 10 to 15 years be allowed in the Club one night each week. It was decided to admit the boys, their subscription to 1/- per year.It was also decided that the Large Hall should be open on Sundays for any religious service, whenever it was required.